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Assasin Snails

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I found 2 Assasin snails in a 29g I was cleaning the other day after at least 6 months of not seeing any. I would like to find out what their needs are so that they will thrive and multiply. My 29 was survivable, but not good for prospering, unlike the ramshorn and pond snails that I had tried to control with the assassins. One of the assassins had a severely degraded shell; it was amazing that it was alive.

   Any info on how to keep these facinating little guys going.



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Assassin snails are my second favorite snail and they're pretty easy to care for. They like their pH around 6.5-7.5 and are a great way to get rid of pest snails. You should also feed them foods in high calcium such as algae wafers or shrimp pellets. However, I've heard people say on other forums that Assassins have killed shrimp and many other non-pest snails so I would be careful. In terms of breeding, I've only seen maybe 4 or 5 babies since they're so tiny.

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To be honest as long as they are feed regularly a mix of shrimp pellets and bloodworms, also you may want to throw a mix of baby and adult ramshorns and MTS in the tank and you will see that the assassins seem to bred constantly. I have a breeding tank for them, its a 2 gallon where I have to 2 sponges that lay there so the assassin snails can lay their eggs on it.

You know when they are in the process of breeding cause you will have 2 of them following one another and they will eventually clutch together in a humping motion for a good 24 hours. (talk about stamina lol)  anyways, they lay a bunch of eggs, anywhere around 20-30 I have seen from one assassin all over the sponges I have for them in the tank. normally out of all the eggs about 5% usually makes it. the rest of the eggs just stay on the sponge and never hatch. After about 20-30 days of the eggs being on the sponge filter the super mini assassin snails make their way into the substrate, I will recommend a sand substrate to have them dig them selves easier. after that you wont ever see the mini snails until they are about 3-4 cm. so its important to have many baby pest snails too for the baby assassin to eat from the gravel. I have a video of one of them, so tiny and also have a video of the snails mating. very cool.  




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On 6/11/2016 at 8:28 AM, Big Blue Frog said:

Thank you for the info concerning Assassin snails. It makes me think that I should give them a new try in a species tank. BBF

I think you should and maybe even get a couple more.They're some awesome snails.

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