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my params, do they look good?

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I will be getting some shrimp and fish this weekend, it'll be the first time i get any shrimp and this type of fish and so i want to make sure i have things right.

I made a google docs with the params that i thiiiink each species needs, though sources don't always agree, and what my params currently are from aged tap water. From what i understand, my params seem to be okay, but i just want to run it by you guys first. 


The params were grabbed from water in buckets, not the actual tank. the tank has a dwarf hairgrass carpet and will have some fissidens and java moss, so i dont know how that may effect the final parameters. Any tips or advice would be greatly appreciated.



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On 4/26/2017 at 12:58 AM, SSJChar said:

I will be getting some shrimp and fish this weekend, it'll be the first time i get any shrimp and this type of fish and so i want to make sure i have things right.

I made a google docs with the params that i thiiiink each species needs, though sources don't always agree, and what my params currently are from aged tap water. From what i understand, my params seem to be okay, but i just want to run it by you guys first. 


The params were grabbed from water in buckets, not the actual tank. the tank has a dwarf hairgrass carpet and will have some fissidens and java moss, so i dont know how that may effect the final parameters. Any tips or advice would be greatly appreciated.




Hey SSJChar!


Good job on being so organised with your logging! In my experience when keeping fish and shrimp together, you'll most likely have to worry more about the shrimp than the fish when it comes to accommodating parameters. That being said, your GH and KH look a little strange. You might want to measure it again as your KH looks impossibly high for a tank with a pH of just 6.3 

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In my opinion, your kh is WAY too high vs what is recommended.  Im not saying it isnt possible to keep shrimp in those params but if you've never kept shrimp before they can be very picky on their water params.  Something else to consider would be getting your shrimps from a US breeder vs imported as sometimes the stress of shipping and bouncing from 3+ different water params in a short period of time can have a bad result for the shrimpies.

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