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I currently have 3 Red Cherry Shrimp, sadly just lost one whom I suspect might have been the only male, and though we've had them for many months they have never bred. After losing the 4th RCS we went to pick up some new ones to expand the colony however we couldn't find any at two local stores so settled, for now and to kind of get the hang of breeding on slightly cheaper Shrimp, 4 ghost shrimp instead. It turned out that not only was one of the Shrimp very pregnant, the eggs were already on her tail, but a little small fry was also swimming around in the bag. We kept them separate from the main tank until we could get a floating breeding/isolation tank, but sadly the momma died from the stress and we didn't have any knowledge of how or even if the eggs could have been saved, however the fry is alive and doing good as far as we can tell growing in the breeding tank till she/he is big enough to not be dinner for other shrimp or fish in the tank. I took some pictures of my RCS and of the ghost when we first got them and am hoping people here can tell me what gender they might be so I can get a male or females if I don't have enough or any of one or the other. One of the RCS did not want it's photo taken so it's as good as I can get. He's the one hiding behind a bright green leaves on, of course, the bright red lite up volcano. He (or she) seems on the smaller side and the legs can look more speckled than solid red sometimes and it has a stripe along its back that looks like it's constantly about to molt off or something, very whitish dry looking. Hopefully that might help with identifying what it is... Thanks IMG_0476.JPG.03b58186774283b18d3522a5058d7cfd.JPGIMG_0482.JPG.6bfe355d3807aade355cae6fac2661bc.JPGIMG_0483.JPG.c87ae07ea01afc4188202602eda3c970.JPGIMG_0485.JPG.cb9fffc71efc827d3edf51e71b797429.JPGIMG_0487.JPG.ed6727e6904b33c20f64ea67e8429f93.JPGIMG_0486.JPG.bc67dd6e311bf022f565ae886d301fb1.JPG

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Ya I was afraid of that. I think the tank has been too cold for them to breed and the last RCS that died was the only male. Any recommendations on places to buy from that gives you quality yet keeps their prices affordable for a beginner? Also I have no idea if it's true but I've heard that you have to watch out for some online sellers who if you only buy a few you'll only end up getting females. I don't want to end up buying twelve just to make sure I get a male. I want a male so he can make twelve babies in time lol.

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  • 2 months later...

You don't expect to build a colony in your community tank right? I assume that you are just looking for some variety. Almost all fish will see a little bug or worm or baby shrimp as a snack. I never saw babies make it to adulthood but my tank was only a medium planted tank.

Until I got a dedicated tank ?

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