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Taiwan bee breeding project.

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There has been some talk about Taiwan bees breeding true or not.

What i did is set up a couple of 2 ft tanks.

One tank has has 30 black bees - king kongs, extreme kk, pandas,

shadow pandas and a few hino pandas.

The other tank has 30 red bees -red wine, red rubies, extreme red rubies and hino red wines.

To keep the line pure started with all juveniles.

That was 2 months ago.

How started to see berried mamas.

The next step is to selectively breed out the different grades.

i have a few tanks almost done cycling.

One sixty gallon for all the culls- mixed grade BKK and Rubies.

One 2 ft tank for red wines and one 2 ft tank for black pandas.

One 2 ft tank for shadow pandas.

All stock pulled from my 75p.

All stock came from Germany.post-632-0-74480800-1423091817_thumb.jpg


Will keep you guys updated.

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The original shrimp came from Speedie a few years ago when he first started importing them.

Started out with five pieces.

I use ADA soil in all my tanks. That was a bad cell phone picture.

i will try to get better pics for  you guys.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I can't say good luck but I will say enjoy!:) I dont follow the forums as closely as I'd like to but can say with a fair amount of certainty that there are most certainly pure lines for TBS....Frankly I know this first hand since my first two tanks for taiwan bees were one for reds one for bkk......aside from one acrobatic blue bolt found just hanging out with the red ladies one day Without realizing how lucky he is those tanks werent jusy one mm apart with him becoming TB jerky......reds had red babies and vice versa...never saw an exception. Stock came direct from taiwan breeder .


I think there is an Americanized tendendancy to get the most from the fact TBs are so varied and can be kept in same tank interbreed and produce more of same colors of rainbow or something new and cool (I am so sure the new and cool thing is more than just my inner excited secret "figers crossed" internal wish at times before during and after a mixed TB tank has taken off:) I can picture every person hear giddy with identical eyes to the way mine get staring at a tank full of mixed TBs and PONDERING.....lol). Woh I lost my focus there, uhm yea the pure tbs......well i can only assume we as hobbyists have a way of stirring the pot then enjoyinh lively chats and debates about things breeders overseas would be scratching their over as they try to understand how it is americans think. Well I cant speak for others but I will. I think we enjoy a fair amount of refreshing and liberating chaos among our shrimp husbandry practiceses so interbreeding brings about an aspect that perhaps is just one of many culture-specific joys that is unique to America! I say whatever helps this party go mainstream is all good ...... I'd love to see a growing interest and advancement in planted tanks and shrimp keeping all over the US and have it go truly mainstream! 

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I am really interested in to seeing the results. Great controlled test. Look forward to many more updates and photos.


I have a variation of results that I will be sharing soon as well.

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Update on the Tanks.


Starting to see babies in the 2 tanks.

So far so good. Red babies in the red tank

and black babies in the black tank.


I think i will concentrate on the red Taiwan bees.

Reason being that i notice different shades of red being produced by the red Taiwan bees.

From bright red to maroon red and dragons in between.

I really like the color of the maroon ones. The legs are so dark.




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  • 2 weeks later...

I kept bkk,wr and bb all in one tank.  My bb female got berried and the outcome of that was bkk pandas, couple of bbs, and a 2 bar bkk, and 2 wrs....all mixed eggs.  I could tell they were going to be mixed colors as some of the eggs were black and some were red.


Never knew who the Daddy was.  My Bkk female threw mostly bkk pandas and 2 bars from her brood.

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Yes with Taiwan bees mixed together you will get mixed grades and patterns.

It will be nice to have a TB tank with all the same color and pattern.

i want a tank full of red wines. I will try to start with a ratio of one male to 3 or 4 females.

i have a 3 ft tank ready to go.

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  • 2 years later...

Those mixed card tanks always make me so jealous, looks good!

Do you RO your water for these? I've heard from several places that SF tap is "liquid gold" but I have not found that to be the case (especially now that we're adding ground water to the hetch hetchy supply).

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