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CRS x Tangerine Tiger

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I crossed CRS with Tangering Tiger.

All the F1 are like the picture attached. They look exactly like Tangerine tiger with the exception of a few more black strips on the body.

If I breed these F1 back to CRS, what will the F2 look like?

My goal is to obtain some red fancy tigers..... Will I be able to achieve this goal by cross these back and forth?


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I have the first generation seperated. These are the first (surviving) babies from the F4 batch.

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I got them as f4!from Jaime. My first babies I separated. The original parents are in another tank having more babies

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The tibee I have are 4th generation from their original parents. Because they are brother and sister their babies would be f5. In one tank I have their first set of babies. In another tank I have the original parents with more babies that I'm going to let breed. I did not breed these back to crs. This is one of the original f4 tibee which looks a lot like a crs.


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  • 1 month later...

I lost all the babies from the clutch the tibee is holding in the picture above. However, she became berried after that and recently gave birth to a ton of nice looking babies. There's a lot of white on them. I'll try and get some pics of them. She is now berried again. Feeling pretty excited about it!

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