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Moving berried crystal?

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What's the consensus on moving a berried crystal to a different tank?  Bad idea?  Doable?


Gh, KH, TDS all very close, ph a little higher in current tank.  She's in a mixed CRS and RCS tank at the moment and want to move her to a CRS only tank that's been running  (with other crs) for 3 months.  


Appreciate the insight.

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I have done it with no issues.  Moved a berried female from a tank with GH5, KH2, PH 6.8 to a tank with buffering substrate GH5, KH0, PH 6.2. Not saying someone else would absolutely not have an issue but I have done it twice with similar results.  No issues with the female and she went on to have her babies.  Not saying a good idea but I did not even drip acclimate her I just simply netted her out and put her in the new tank.  

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Certainly doable.  I also do this somewhat regularly and haven't experienced any noted deaths or drops.  I would imagine the health of your system and shrimp would factor into the equation, but if the shrimp was healthy enough to berry that might be enough of an indicator.

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I don't know that it actually helps but I try to do it close to when the eggs would normally hatch for two reasons:

- the momma has to deal with the stress of the new environment for less time before her normal post-hatch molt, and is therefore (I think?) less likely to molt and drop the eggs prematurely

- if the momma does drop the eggs, you can try to hatch them yourself. The closer you are to the normal hatch date, the higher success rate you'll have.


That said, I've only had one egg drop as a result of moving a berried shrimp but that was because she was shipped berried so the stress was much higher than a normal inter-tank transfer.

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I recently hit a breeding sweet spot after converting a planted 10g gravel tank to Fluval substrate.  There were so many babies that I moved all but the berried shrimp to another (adult only) tank and, as eggs, hatched moved the other females over.  As shrimp became berried in the second tank, I moved them back to the "breeding/juvenile" tank.  Rinse/Repeat.

The only thing I make sure of is that the water temperature is the same.


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