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Found Scud In Shrimp Tank

Human Shrimp

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So a long time ago I used to keep scuds, and still do just not as much. While I was watching my shrimp, I noticed a tiny little scud crawling beneath their feet, it's only about half a centimetre in length, I looked around, lifting up moss and wood and digging in the soils but didn't find any more, the tank has been set up for 4 months now and this is the first scud I've seen despite watching the tank every day. Should I be concerned or is it okay?

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It depends what you mean by "okay".

There's a strong possibility you'll have a scud explosion in your shrimp tank.

Some claim they attack and kill baby shrimp, others just find them unsightly.

If you don't want them in that tank, kill each one you see as soon as you see it. Once you start to see several at a time, you've lost that battle and you'll have to resort to much more extreme measures to get them out of the tank (tear-down, seltzer water, etc...).

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Well, before I had shrimp (or even a real aquarium) I had a very big interest in invertebrates, and when I found my first scud in 2017 in the pond behind my house, I instantly caught one. I was intrigued (this was before I was informed on all the species) I bought a 1 gallon aquarium from my LFS for 10$ CAD. I kept it because at the time I couldn't afford much more than some substrate and a plant (I'm young, I deliver flyers, not the most lucrative job) and then I caught more and more of them and they started breeding on their own and now I kinda just have them, I'm thinking of upgrading them to a larger setup after my next aquarium which will contain ghost shrimp. 

On December 3, 2018 at 2:09 PM, aotf said:

Out of curiosity, why are you breeding/keeping them?


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