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Male or Female

Human Shrimp

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In my 5.5 gal I have 1 male 5 females. At least I hope it's like that. The shrimp I belief to be male has the body shape of a male (slimmer, tail raised when resting, and curved underneath) but I noticed something yellow on his back, it looks like a saddle. I really want them to breed, can anyone confirm its gender?



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I still have a difficult time sexing shrimp under 4 months or so, but to me, that looks to be male. That underbelly appears straight when males are young but as they age, it takes on a fish-like shape. Kinda like a slight S-curve shape to the belly. Females are rounder bellied and look more "stout" in general. Not always bigger, but beefier. Sometimes that 2nd scale will overlapp scales 1 and 3, but not always easy to see this in females that haven't carried. I never could go by that antenna trick to sex them. I've seen males with what looked to be short antennas up top. 


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  • 7 months later...

Hey everyone :)


Hope its all going well! I'm new to the hobby, and I would like to have the same help here.

I have had my Shrimpies for about a month now, and I have been searching to try and identify if they are male or female, but I'm not 100% sure 😐


I'm hoping that someone here can help a man out here.
I'll post a pic and what I think they are, but please correct me if I'm wrong!




Female (Yellow one)









Clueless, maybe Male?


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