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Soothing Shrimp

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Soothing Shrimp last won the day on March 7 2018

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  1. OKay, I think I'm done listing for now. I may have some other things, but I'll know when I get these cleared out.
  2. Who knows what the future holds, dealend.:)
  3. As long as shrimpers share knowledge freely and are kind and good to each other, I'm happy to have made friends.
  4. Thank you, Wyzazz. Thanks, Wygglz. Situations change, and life goes on, but friendships in all walks of life are valued.
  5. I work graveyard shift now, so have to get a nap in before work. I'll list more tomorrow. Please be patient if I don't get back to you immediately. Working nights, sleeping in the day and still trying to be there for family is exhausting. I have a gym meet for my daughter's gymnastics on Sat, so I won't be around that day most likely. By the time I get back, I'll be lucky to get much sleep at all before work. This is taking a bit longer than expected to list everything in my very little free time each day. So, your patience while updating my list for free things (as it *may* stretch into next week) is appreciated.
  6. Thanks, guys. It's been a struggle financially lately, but despite circumstances, I still wanted to give back to the shrimping community. I accept prayers and good Karma wishes as payment. ;-)
  7. You betcha. Shrimping is all about helping others!
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