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Posts posted by Rodan76

  1. 14 hours ago, 35ppt said:

    whatcha got in the salty tank? hopefully something shrimpy ;)

    ive got a couple sexy shrimp, a couple skunk cleaners, and a peppermint shrimp... a maroon/yellow clown, mandarin, linkia starfish, and a handful of corals...


    the shrimp are definitely the a-holes in that tank...always stealing food from everything else!  

  2. Hey yall it's been a while!  i hope everyone's tanks are still flourishing...i haven't been around in a while...still have a couple tanks going at home...i started a saltwater tank in the fall and that sucked all my shrimpin money away for quite some time, but am stopping back in..both eric(discobee!) and han started following me on IG today so i figured i was missing something and wanted to say hey and see how is everybody!

  3. I might be one of the few who likes damsels , lol .


    Granted the less combative types .


    I had a Beau Gregory which I caught as a baby a few miles from here by a dock in the 70s .  Boy what a mean fish he turned out to be , lol . 


    Lots caught tiny Domino damsels who as you know are nice looking with a black/white contrast but as bad as beau Gregory and loss all their color as adults  , lol.


    We didn't know that damsels lost color or how mean , there was no internet back than .


    I imagine you have the blue damsel ,


    I like them and they hold their color unlike probably most damsels .


    i honestly cant remember if it is a 3 or 4 stripe damsel.  i basically got it to use to help cycle the tank and it was cheap.  he/she is cool though..definitely fun to feed.  The guys at the lfs were like get one of these..it'll die soon but whatever...so i did...but it is kickin around no problems.  i think as far as most of us aquarium folks go...we must be OCD about having more tanks...i am slowly planning a 14gal in my mind because i am afraid of whether the 3 gallon is sustainable and i don't want flush all that living cash down the toilet....my wife will kill me though.  i shouldve stuck with shrimp hahah

  4. As the saying goes ''You want a nice reef tank or an estate on several acres?''  .


    lol perhaps bit exaggerated but you know what I mean.


    Nice inverts , any fish ?


    hahah no kidding.  there is a damselfish, 2 sexy shrimp, and a couple snails...looks like my 2 hermit crabs flew the coop and are rolling around somewhere in my house...or should i say...dead somewhere in my house

  5. Some beautiful corals.  How do you acclimate them?


    Do you have to do some type of dip to avoid critters that hitch?


    same as shrimp for the most part.  what i have been doing is hanging the bag in the tank for 15 min, then drip acclimate for an hour or so. 


    I haven't been too worried about hitch hikers since the live rock was direct from the ocean...it already came with them....so there are a couple pest stars in there, but i havent seen them do anything damaging yet...plus they are tiny and kind of cool.

  6. Looking forward to seeing them. :)


    Researching today, I found shipping frags is like shipping shrimp, only without the moss. Awesome!


    I guess many sellers will only ship the frags and you have to mount them yourself.  Otherwise, if mounted- they make break during travel.



    from what i have seen they always come on a little plug that you can remove or leave them on it...i have left mine on so far because i am afraid to hurt them...

  7. 1. Vpier
    2. Glasshalffull
    3. Lyana
    4. Shrimp lady
    5. Sincitybet
    6. Loumeer
    7. Pokeshrimp
    8. Shrimple Minded
    10. NeMox69X
    11. d0pey
    12. Kikojaharo
    13. shouu
    15. Thekonexperiment
    16. Nick_R
    17. Vshrimp
    18. jimko
    19. stangmus
    20. Mengyone
    21. GBR
    22. Pmoua

    23. Greenteam
    24. ShrimpNoob
    25. Dcw
    26. lloyd wang
    27. Epitaph
    28. svetilda
    29. tienhuynh
    30. Sandovalsbco
    31. Duff0712
    32. Airriick
    33. Mlsthuy1
    34. _ontherocks
    35. Soothing Shrimp
    36. Eloodaku
    37. DETAquarium
    38. dazalea
    39. mayphly
    40. Jesseter
    41. davesays
    42. 240ric
    43. Rockadoodle

    44. Jaykidding
    45. Steve R.
    46. Shrimp lover
    47. Tyler44
    48. Jledermann
    49. Adrand
    50. Quyvan5186
    51. Mike7381
    52. Dr0p
    53. Slycat929
    54. r45t4m4n
    55. StarryNight15
    56. Toads74
    57. Flytrap
    58. Veneer
    59. Elle23
    60. NWroostin
    61. Allicat
    62. Omgfrog

    63. puffpuff

    64. Rodan76


    I fixed the formatting for those other 2 folks.  


    Thanks for the RAOK!  Super good one!

  8. probably more protein than anything else... i rotate shirakura ebi dama special and bw multipara once a week, bw barley twice a week, sl aqua more meat once a week...


    i'll cut back on feeding..maybe just do snowflake and barley for a while with a treat every other week...


    but now im thinking about that here's the rub.  i feed the same food to my TBs and they all seem fine.  this is only showing in the OEBT.  Basically i have 2 daily medicine dispensers that i have the food sorted out in and i rotate them between tanks each week.  i feed on M, W, F, Sat.

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