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Blue wizards/Blue cobalts


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Anyone got any real information on either of these shrimp. I really want a dark blue shrimp like the royal blues but in a Neo species. Is there any others that breed pretty true. I know Soothing has his dark blue velvets which may be the closest thing, but was wondering about some of these others I have seen or heard mentioned.???

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Anyone got any real information on either of these shrimp. I really want a dark blue shrimp like the royal blues but in a Neo species. Is there any others that breed pretty true. I know Soothing has his dark blue velvets which may be the closest thing, but was wondering about some of these others I have seen or heard mentioned.???


Well...actually, I'll let you in on a secret.  A while back I had a mutation throw a couple blues that had promise.  So, I isolated them and bred them out.  I've been working on these for a year...two years?  Time all runs together when working on so many projects.

1st step was to make sure they threw a majority of blues.  Currently I'm near 100% blues thrown.  Made that goal.


Now my goal is to create a dark royal blue without it looking black.


Here's my new strain of Sapphires so far...  (I know they're crappy pics, but at least you know I don't do photo retouches. LOL)  What do you think? :)



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I have a few blue diamonds that look like those pictures but only have 4 out of my 100+ blue diamonds.

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Still a work in progress.  While I have a lot of nice dark royal blues, I still have some that are lighter like my DBVs and some that look splotchy.  A little like carbons.  Out of paranoia, I have sold some so the genetics aren't lost, but as said- they still need some work.


Once I get this generation breeding well though, I'll probably start selling the offspring with the understanding that other hobbyists will be able to bring this truer to what the goal is. :)

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Thanks, Puddles. :)  Working on Shrimp strains definately teaches patience. heh  I'm an impatient person by nature. :rolleyes:


In a way, bettering shrimp teaches me to better myself.  Does that make sense?


It aggrivates me sometimes that the big business breeders don't work on their shrimp more to make them more stable before selling them now, but I guess that's business.


If I have enough by summer, I'll offer some up for sale.  However my shrimp sometimes have other plans than I do. LOL

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