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Aquashella presale!


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I will be attending Aquashella in Chicago later this month I can bring any of the following with me.


Random culls $1 each from red, blue, orange, green, and yellow neos. min 20
Orange Neos $3 each

Snow Balls $4 each

Red Cherrys $2 each
Fire Red Neos $3 each
Green Jades $6 each

Clear Green Jade culls $2 each
Tangerine Tigers $3 each
Super Tigers $4 each

Crystal Black Shrimp $3 each

golden bees $4 each
Black Tibees $4 each
Tangtai $3 each
Auratai $8 each
Mixed Red Pintos $8 each
Green Tiger culls $6 each
Oe Ykk $12 each

Shadow Panda $15
Ykk $3 each
Ykk hybrid aura ykk/tt phenotype $2.50 each
Red Taitibee $9 each
Black Calceo $20 each
Fancy Black Tiger $10- $35 each

Fancy Red Tiger $10 - $55 each
Red Tangtai $4 each
Michilings $4 each

Tangtai F8 galaxy/steel genes $5 each


If your not going to aquashella shipping is $10 on orders over $25 or free with orders over $100


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