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New Shrimp-keeper


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Hello, my name is Amy.

Very happy to have stumbled onto this forum. Appears to have a wealth of information for the newbie- to the more experienced shrimp-keeper in the hobby. Ive been keeping shrimp about 6-ish months  and as Im sure many can attest-- it's a bit addicting :). Set up 4 shrimp tanks ranging from 5 gallons to 30 gallons in quick succession.

The shrimp I keep are pretty modest- neo's and caradina sp. I didnt want to jump in the deep end without learning the basics. I am happy where I am at the moment. I also have a 180 gallon, a 60 gallon, and a 30 gallon with some pretty sensitive fish, so the shrimp hobby ( for me) needs to be taken in baby-steps as I learn.

Of the shrimp that I have atm, my c. babaulti 'zebra' are my absolute favorite.  Here is a picture of one of my females:




And the tank she is in:



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