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Is this caridina or neocaridina?


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I bought yellow king kong shrimp online in October.  I'm keeping them with some tigers and crystal reds in typical caridina parameters and they're thriving.  But I'm suspicious that I actually have yellow neocaridina shrimp instead?

When I got them they were very small, around the same size as some crystal reds that were about a month old at the time.  They grew very fast, quickly got bigger than the month old crystal reds, after 6 weeks the females were berried and are the largest shrimp I have.  They also have way more eggs than I'm used.  Last week one brood hatched, a few days earlier than I expected, and the babies are yellow.


Is there any way to tell for sure?  Did I get bamboozled?


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In my experience, this looks to be a neocaridina. I have kept this yellow variety myself, and it looks identical. Key standouts are size and translucency of the body. Also clutch size and growth rate. Not that King Kongs can't have semi-translucent bodies, but typically not like this. Again, I am just one humble shrimp enthusiast, but my 2 cents is that you got duped; and perhaps your source got duped as well, I am not here to judge :-) 

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