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My water is not ideal.

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Hi, I tested my tap water last night because my TDS meter and GH and KH drop test kit arrived. I already owned ammonia, pH, nitrite, and nitrate tests. My tap comes out at pH 8.0, KH 9, GH 7, and TDS 128.

I currently keep Taiwan fire reds, and Yellow neon fire shrimp. They are new to me, only had them a couple days and they were shipped to me. I slowly acclimated them to my water following the directions they arrived with. From Alpha Pro. The reds seem to be adjusting ok, the yellows seem to be hiding. The tanks PH for both is at a 7.8 since I have lots of driftwood. Tested nitrates and both tanks are at 0. I have lots of Anubis and moss.

Any advice? Will my shrimp be ok in these conditions? Is TDS 128 good? I'm a total newbie so any advice is appreciated.

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Thanks, I'm a nervous new shrimp mom LOL. My cherries have done great in these conditions, but I have read that the yellows and darker reds are more sensitive.

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Your water is not out of range for neos. They should be fine.

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Thanks guys! Glad to hear there is no need to worry.

Soothing- I thought any that were bred to color extremes were more sensitive? I am new lol

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Keep the water stable is more important.


Neos can adapt to wide range of water parameters.

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