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I have an 11 gallon mr.aqua tank with RCS in it. I want to keep CRS however I have read a few articles that say RCS could possibly out compete the CRS? Also can you keep CRS and CBS together in the same tank or will they eventually interbreed until there are just a bunch of brown stripped mischlings. Thanks.

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I have kept the two together before and as long as you give enough food, usually break it into a couple of small pieces and spread them out, than the CRS thrive alongside the Cherries. When breaking up the pieces be sure to put just enough or come back after an hour or two to take out any leftovers. If you want to keep them together I would suggest slowly changing the parameter to CRS parameter since the CRS are more sensitive and the Neos are more adaptable.

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CRS and RCS live together well. I have even kept TBs and RCS together and they both did well. Just make sure your parameters are correct for CRS and the cherries will adapt. CRS and CBS together will just produce more black and reds. Occasionally a CBS will pop out that is a little brownish but not very often. In my experience blacks end up vastly outnumbering reds after a few generations.

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