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Your Favorite...


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So, parents aren't supposed to have favorites... but we all know they do ;)


Lets see / hear about your favorite fish / shrimp / plant / or even tank. Where / when / why you got it? Why you like it... etc


I'll start:


Need a little backstory first... It was last year's fall auction that I picked up about 6 Fundulopanchax spoorenbergi... I had never had killies and wanted to try them out. Well at the next local meeting I went and spoke with the local "master of killies" Conrad (if you have ever bought from lotsoffish on aquabid he mentioned Conrad all the time). Well I was talking to him, about how to raise, breed and overall just make them happy, and also about possibly getting a few other types


Then in the January meeting we found out Conrad had passed away shortly after Christmas, and another member walks up to me before the meeting starts with a large styro and said that Conrad had mentioned that he was going to be bring me some fish and he felt Conrad still would want me to have them. Inside the box was 6 Spoorenbergi and 3 Pairs of Blue Gularis. I had never seen the gularis before and loved them. I ended up giving the spoorenbergi and 3 of the gularis to other members (i didn't have the tank space) and brought these 3 Blue Gularis home.


They have their own 10g tank with pool filter sand, 2 large mops, lots of java moss and 2 cholla logs, they are fed frozen brine shrimp and live black worms. I've gotten eggs but haven't been able to hatch them yet


Let's hear about your favorite fish/tank/shrimp/ plants


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You know mine!!!


They are the Fundulopanchax spoorenbergi I got from you haha


Or my Male Congo tetras

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omg this is too hard to pic lol. im a lover of blue/purple, striped, spotted fish lol. i sat back one day when i lived in kentucky and realized i had all blue, stripped, spotted or a combo there of in all my fish. i had philipine blue platinum pearl scale angels, columbian tetea, blue eye brislte nose, a long fin brown bn that was spotted, my medusa galaxy guppies (ave pic is a fry) my blue nebula line i created of guppies, several types of shrimp (9 different types i believe) but all showed either blue, stripped, spotted or a combo of those lol. as for plants i like low light for the most part easy to grow. i dont do high tech set ups but have had some beautiful planted tanks (that i miss). i will dig around and find pics later one cause i have a ton....... is it bad i have more pics of my dog and fish/shrimp/plants than i do my family ?

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  Would you post some pics of your blue nebula line?

omg this is too hard to pic lol. im a lover of blue/purple, striped, spotted fish lol. i sat back one day when i lived in kentucky and realized i had all blue, stripped, spotted or a combo there of in all my fish. i had philipine blue platinum pearl scale angels, columbian tetea, blue eye brislte nose, a long fin brown bn that was spotted, my medusa galaxy guppies (ave pic is a fry) my blue nebula line i created of guppies, several types of shrimp (9 different types i believe) but all showed either blue, stripped, spotted or a combo of those lol. as for plants i like low light for the most part easy to grow. i dont do high tech set ups but have had some beautiful planted tanks (that i miss). i will dig around and find pics later one cause i have a ton....... is it bad i have more pics of my dog and fish/shrimp/plants than i do my family ?

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My favorite is Celestial Pearl Danios right now.  They are really cool looking but also small enough to blend into a planted tank and aren't to distracting.

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i dont have them currently but will post a couple of old ones. when i moved i had a fellow guppy breeder keep them for me. with luck i will have a new tank in a couple weeks (petco $1 a gallon sale in april) and will get them back then. ill post the pics in a bit i got some running to do around town in about an hour

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