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satellite pro plus

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Has anyone tried this light fixture yet?    It has no reviews yet on amazon or any helpful reviews really anywhere else.  Im thinking it must be pretty new



It looks like you can actually program timing in for sunlight and moonlight on this one which I would love.. also has the sunset and sunrise . 


I am wondering if I am wrong about the timer .    


Also slightly worried the light may be to high for a 20 L.    


I noticed the Finnex  (spelling)  LED burned some of my moss.


Anyway..  just wondering if anyone has tried it.  I am sort of spoiling myself with this new tank.  Since Im buying things slowly I can actually get a bit nicer stuff instead of going cheap.   

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I have the Current Satellite Freshwater LED+ on my 12g and love it. It looks like the Pro version comes with the ramp timer. You can dim the lights via the remote to however you want your lighting. You can even program up to 4 custom light settings. It's not only for high light plants. I use it for low light moss and ferns which I have in my tank. The best part is that it has a "lightning" setting. Who doesn't want lightning in their tanks?


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Ya Mayphly I love my solo current and have gotten such great customer service I would like to give my business to them. 

So you think I am right about the Pro, that you could set it for low light rather than they optimal  (yellow button)  high light setting?   


So you could say.. set it for 2pm to sunrise on,  to say a lower light setting... day that way all day, then at 8pm sunset off with some thunder and lighting in the moonlight?


That is exactly what I want it to do, but I wasnt sure if I was reading wrong.  

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I have the current pro - I use the moonlight setting to start off with for about 1/2 hour - like to gradually add light.  Then up it to higher lighting - I tried the Lightning setting - pretty cool - but kinda freaked them out a bit, so I don't use it anymore.  Anyway, my light is on about 12 hours a day - I only have fissiden and java moss and they do just fine with this lighting.

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I have the Current Satellite Freshwater LED+ on my 12g and love it. It looks like the Pro version comes with the ramp timer. You can dim the lights via the remote to however you want your lighting. You can even program up to 4 custom light settings. It's not only for high light plants. I use it for low light moss and ferns which I have in my tank. The best part is that it has a "lightning" setting. Who doesn't want lightning in their tanks?



of the pre-sets, which spectrum settings do you use most often? Do you happen to know the PAR different between each color preset?

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I use the yellow and the turn it down a bit. I was getting  some algae with it turned all the way up on my 12g long tank. I'm not sure about par.There's all kinds of info about the light here http://www.plantedtank.net/forums/showthread.php?t=420457

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I also get algae with the yellow light .  Current told me Yellow is their "Plant growing light"      I read that alot of people use the Orange setting for their plants and get good growth so I  have been using the orange .   I really like how current makes it adjustable.    

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I bought my son the Plus Pro and he absolutely loves it.  It's extremely bright.  He's so pleased with it that I ordered one for a 20 gallon long that will be a planted shrimp tank with fluvial plant/shrimp stratum. 

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I also get algae with the yellow light . Current told me Yellow is their "Plant growing light" I read that alot of people use the Orange setting for their plants and get good growth so I have been using the orange . I really like how current makes it adjustable.

Do you have the Orange at its brightest setting?
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  • 2 weeks later...

I've had my Plus Pro for a bit over a week now.  First thing that needs to be defined is "programming".  All you can do is set a daylight setting and a night setting.  It will ramp up and down over a 15 minute period from one setting to the other.  If you want to use the remote you can change settings on the fly - but you can't program a changing spectrum over the ramp period to simulate a sunset or even a different spectrum for part of the day to simulate clouds.  If you are not there to physically make the change - it won't change.  But - having just two settings is just fine with me.  I have 1% blue for the night setting and 100% across the board for all three colors and white.  Java Moss it eating it up.  Aponogetons are growing like crazy.  Sitting on the back half of the all-glass top on my 20L tank - the light doesn't actually hit the front glass. The angle is just such that it angles down and covers the entire substrate, and the back glass is directly illuminated - but I'm not getting any algae on the front glass - only a bit on the back.  My son had plants that had been kept in a dim environment for many months, so he did have some negative reaction from the plants when he started on full power.  He took it back to 50% and ramped it up by 10% a week and now all are doing great with 100% across the board.  In some respects this is overkill for a shrimp tank - but on the other hand - the plants have taken the Nitrates to 0 and I can see and photograph the shrimp much more easily.  I'm going to try a Finnex Stingray on a 10 gallon tank and see how it does.  It's about 1/4 the price so I'm not expecting much - but can't have an opinion without sampling the product.   


In closing I also have 2 Marineland Freshwater Planted LED's that are the same size as my Plus Pro.  The Plus Pro beats the Marineland hands down.  I think the Marineland puts out a tiny bit more light - but the tremendous spectrum control on the Plus Pro as well as the night setting and ramping up and down give the plus pro an easy win.  O ya, and the Plus Pro is cheaper than the Marineland Freshwater Plant LED.s   I think there is a difference of 3 watts and ~ $20 between the two units.

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