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Starting a colony in a 40 Breeder

Shrimple minded

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I'm planning on using a 40 gallon breeder (36" x 18" x 16") to start a new colony........I'm wondering if anyone has any pros or cons they might offer up relating to using a tank of this size.


I've read in a couple articles that 10-20 gallon tanks are favored when starting because shrimp can tend to feel uncomfortable and hide if there is too much room and not enough inhabitants.  I'm thinking about bringing in approximately 20 shrimp for starters.........would love to hear opinions if the size of a 40 breeder would be an issue.  


I would guess that some of the potential downsides to using a larger tank revolve around cost..........more substrate, more water, more remineralization, etc.  What else should I be factoring in to this equation?

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I use 10, 15, and 40 breeders currently for my shrimp.  I have my CRS in a 40 breeder and they do great.  It is probably my favorite size tank and can support a very large number of shrimp.  I haven't noticed that the shrimp act any different in the larger thanks vs the small.

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I think your worried that with 20 shrimp in a 40 will never see each other. Well I currently have 10 shrimp in a 20 prity much same thing they will do fine if your really worried just get more then 20 shrimp no problem

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