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I recently found this site after searching for "sea sky blue neo shrimp." I've been looking for a high grade blue colored shrimp for almost 2 months now and nothing to show for it. I would REALLY like to start a colony of these beauties and would buy ~10+ from you. Whether you've got fantasy, fairy, dream, and/or sea sky blue as long as they're true deep blue color I'm willing to pay $7+ per shrimp. The payment method I use is PayPal. Please leave a response below or PM me to discuss further details.


Please make this happen for me. :( 

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Poopians loves his BB. ;)


By the way, welcome!


I've been mostly a neo person over the past several years though, so I, like you, can appreciate a dark blue neo.


I have splotched blue carbons you may be interested in for 4.50 ea. and you can work towards your own goal if you wish.


I *think* Blue Crown here has Dreams as well.

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I ended up getting the steel blue strain on AquaBid. Not really the blue I want but a lot cheaper. Who knows. Maybe once these start spawning for me I can sell them to buy some nicer blue shrimp.

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this is the shrimp he wants.  These are the new C-Sky blues, and I had some (just lost my female and male yesterday)

and they are definitely this color blue, better than blue dreams, blue wizards in my opinion, if you like bright blues.  My other blue females have just dropped some babies and I can see some are definitely blue, so I am

hoping my Sky blue male was the daddy.  This truly is a beautiful shrimp.


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this is the shrimp he wants. These are the new C-Sky blues, and I had some (just lost my female and male yesterday)

and they are definitely this color blue, better than blue dreams, blue wizards in my opinion, if you like bright blues. My other blue females have just dropped some babies and I can see some are definitely blue, so I am

hoping my Sky blue male was the daddy. This truly is a beautiful shrimp.


monty-703, where you got C-Sky blues from? I got five of them from Shrimpusa.com, and they are like low grade blue neo. And...... Robert insists they are better color than blue dream.... lol

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  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry for not posting...Yes I did get them from ShrimpUSA, however I ordered blue dreams at the same time and I definitely can say they are not the same color.   Here's a pic of my one remaining male....they weren't as hardy as the blue dreams were.  here you can see the big difference in color...the female is my Blue Wizard/Dream.



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