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5 Blue Bolts Bolting


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I've always wanted an all blue bolt tank and finally got a chance to start one up.

I have a ten gallon tank with amazonia soil and some other shrimp additives which I had started cycling back in Dec 2013. I thought it would be a great idea (really bad idea) to have a algae carpet. :wacko: What was I thinking. Well.... I guess it was the algae that doomed al my tb's. In a week they were all dead. Since then, I cleaned up all the algae and rescaped/re-cycled  the tank. A well know shrimp guru over at TPT was kind enough to help me out with some new shrimp.  I'm now keeping 5 low grade bb in this tank as of 3-14-14. They are doing great so far.




Amazonia soil + additives for baceria growth and minerals




TDS- 145

GH- 5

KH- 0


Temp- 72

Nitrates- 0




Lilaeopsis Chinensis

Flame Moss

Various floaters





Archaea 36W (on for four hours a day)




Double sponge

Cheap canister loaded with bio-rings




Cholla wood covered in moss

Large manzanita branch covered in flame moss


Alder cones


Bee balls




I feed very sparingly three times a week and there is always some sort of leafy veggie in the tank at all times

I grind up various forms of foods in a mortar and pestle and feed as a powder

Jake's foods

Peter Ladens

Mosura foods

Borneo foods

mulberry. spinach, kale (new favorite), collards, cucumber,zuchinni

The list of foods goes on. I think as long as they receive a varied diet they're happy


I received these blue bolts along with some high grade ones and some shadows which I keep together in another tank. Thise ones just became berried yesterday. So, I'm hoping for some prego bb's soon. I'll keep posting updates here as things progress.







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Awesome, I like the blue bolts a lot, grats on the berries!  setup looks good.


Cheers for sticking to it and giving the tank another go around!  Its like they say, if at first you don't succeed, try, try, try again.  I think after all the time and money we spend on setting up the tank, it would be a shame not to. 


I like how you grind up your food and feed powder form.  Do you just drop the powder onto the surface? mix with water? 

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lol!!! Heavy emphasis on the money lol! That part of it never seems to end. I have been fortunate to make a few extra bucks from selling some of my shrimps. That money of course goes right back in to the hobby. I use the end of a toothpick and dump the powdered food right into the filter outflow which allows the food to float everywhere in the tank. I do this sparingly three times a week and there is no noticeable climb in tds.

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I also grind my food,up. Shrimplets love it too.keeps all the adults,from piling on them. Heard it can turn put bad for them. Little cannibals lol I saw them eating a shrimp the other day that passed. Did a double take was like I haven't fed them yet. Ten of,them piled on the poor guy.


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I like that.  Im gonna start doing the same and for a couple of reasons. 

First, I have been trying out different foods, and the ones that they either don't touch or don't finish (maybe im putting in too much) I suck up using a turkey baster. That's getting pretty old as I feed once everyday.  So this technique would throw that feeding dish out the window.  I like it and that's the second reason =)


Are you guys feeding strictly grinded food?

About how much are you dumping in? M&M size? Nerd candy size? for how many shrimp? and tank size?


Thanks all!

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The feeding dish doesn't work in my tanks. The greedy shrimp pull the food right out and run away with it. You know.... sort of like Daffy duck  "mine,mine,mine!!!"

The powders I feed sparingly. Just enough to fit on the end of a toothpick. You can see how it all floats away in the tank. A little goes a long way. I feed pellet forms of food as well. The  more stuff you try eventually you'll notice what foods they like and which ones they don't.

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The Blue Bolts look very cool!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I came home to a pleasant surprise today!   My first berried blue bolt ever  :lol:

Last saturday I had transferred my 5 lower grade bb to my main TB tank in better hopes for mating. The main tb tank has two high grade bb which I believe are males. I hope it was one of them that got her.          


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I like the blue bolts more than the blue velvets.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Here's some good news I wanted to share. Today my female bb just hatched a bunch of babies. There are shadow pandas, blue bolts and I found one wine red.  I'm not sure but does the wr  mean that the male  was a  shadow panda? Or can bb x bb = wr? I thought the second scenario was pretty rare. Also, confirmed about 4-5 blue eggs that the mischling is carrying. :)

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Cool! Congrats!

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Cool man good stuff! Probably means that your blue bolts were crossed with mischlings that carried the genes over that's how you got them. That's why TB are fascinating because you can get something different with each batch.


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from all i have talked to it is still possible to get any color from any tb. so yeah its possible that a wine red can come from a blue bolt, or any other tb color for that matter. they dont breed true and that is why most keep all the colors together. 

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Wicca, thanks for that bit of info. I guess bb's are " just like a box of chocolates". :D

I just got home and checked my tb tank and found another berried female. I swear it's the same shrimp that just gave birth yesterday. It's hard for me to believe. Is that even possible? I had to check five times before I even posted this. :P

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No probably just put them all in the mood. That's how my tanks go when I get new ones. One will berry and hatch and then others will go. Seems like it's contagious for them


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  • 1 month later...

I just wanted to share what I found in my tank today. It looks very similar to the one that Speedie had posted a pic of a while back.

I think I'm up to around 50-60 tb in my tank now. There are so many cool patterns coming out that I wasn't expecting. I may start seperating them soon.


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