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Easter raok!!!!


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I feel like doing something nice today so here's what to do. Create a number list. Keep it in order. Post a picture of your favorite shrimp. It has to be one you have. I will use a random number generator at 1130 Cali time tonight. I will pm the winner with a paypal ADRESS for shipping which will be 7$

Here what you will Winn!!!!!!!

X2 ial

X1 gram of gold crown shrimp food

X1 gram of bw spinach

X1gram of mosura crs specialty food

Some Xmas moss trimmings

I will ship out Monday using USPS small flat rate priority.

Let see them shrimps guys happy Easter!!!!!

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The next raok I do I'll think through a little more and have a longer time frame for you guys. This was just something I woke up and first thing that popped into my head while my daughter stepped all over me to get off the bed was I need to do a raok today. Haha. Congratulations and cheers to everyone. Hope everyone had a good Easter. I Unfortunatly had to work.

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Yeah that's what you get when you have a new manager that came from Apple to a pet store lol. Oh well.

The next raok will probably be some sort of plant trim or hard scape or dried leaves. Keep an eye out guys!

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