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Tigers with neos?


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I'm looking for other shrimp that can be housed with neos. Can royal blue tigers thrive in neo conditions? Do all tiger shrimp have the same requirements or do they vary ?

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I would say this depends on the breeders. I say that because not everyone keeps and breeds tigers or any shrimp for that matter at the same water parameters or temps. I know of a couple people that have been experimenting with gh, tds, ph, and even doing some mad scientist work with there shrimp and they all breed and thrive at different conditions.

It also depends are you aclimatizing them or just throwing them in.

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I actually keep, neos in the same Conditions as my crystals and other shrimp. I even have neos in my cardinal tank and they do fine. Helps to acclimate them but,have found they do great in all conditions. I use RO and salty shrimp for all my tanks. Wanted to keep it simple.


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Thanks for the replies. Sounds like it's easier to setup a cardinia environment rather than separate tanks. Which salty shrimp remineralizer are you using ?

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If you want to keep Neos with something else, I always set up my tank to accomodate the "something else"(crs, cbs, tb, misch, tiger, etc). The neos will adapt to whatever the environment in my experience.

I just put 10 painted fire reds in my mischling tanks 2 weeks ago and have 2 berried shrimp already so yea they'll adapt! I use the same water on all my tanks. It makes it easier on me.


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