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Need help with white fungus in aqua soil

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Hi Everyone,

I am recently set up a new tank for CRS-Japanese Pure Line. Using Aqua soil, Mosura old sea mud and BT9. Only RO water with Mosura mineral plus ultra. TDS 180/ 6 GH.

It has been a little over two weeks old. However about 2 or 3 days when i started that i noticed a little white crystal pieces here and there on the substrate. I left them alone but they grew into a white tissue,fugus( look similar to bad fish egg). Today i decide to vacuum the substrate and found a lot of those under substrate. I need your help to identify the issue. Please tell me if it happened in your tank ? and how do you take care of it ? Is it bad ? What is the cause ?

Thank you in advance for all the help i can get. I have include a picture of the tank. Eventhough i vacuum but still some left.


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He Hungle64 I am glad you made it over here!  BT-9 comes in a powder not flakes.  I hope someone has seen this before, I haven't in my aquasoil tanks.

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Sorry the picture not too clear but it developes into a white tissue similar to an unfertilizered egg(white). I had google to find out what it is without luck.

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Hi All

I found a few people had experienced the same issue as i mentioned. Some said it is the BT9 others said the old sea mud creating the fungus which is not harmful but it is ugly. In one case it is so bad that he had to wash the substrate to get rid of it. What i am thinking in my case it may be something effect the BT9 when it packaged. As i mentioned when i first using BT9 i saw couple of flaky crystal pieces fell here and there on the substrate. Now when i put BT9 in only see powder that is the main reason i think it is packaging. Not so sure but at least something for me to base on and study from it.

Just want you guys to know that i am not crazy! LOL

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You better be crazy.  After all....you are shrimpin'. LOL

LOL.Absolutely! I am koiphen and Shrimpin. So i am an absolute NUT!

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Did the fungus go away?

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Did the fungus go away?

Hi Will

I think i took care of the problem using koi clay! That's how mother nature taking care of toxic, fungus in koi mud pond.

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  • 2 months later...


I think I got the same thing.

Using mosura old sea mud. My tank is still cycling so i'l will see if it goes away.

Do shrimp like to eat it?




Your picture looks normal.

Mine was egg-like and grew into very ugly. I did notice when i sprayed the bt9 and some of it is crystal like and not powder.

The crystal like is the problem.

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