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Mk Breed vs ShrimpyDaddy


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I have been using the SD products for a few months now and couldn't be happier with the results.  I am using the products in Orange Rili (Neo) tank, a CRS tank and a newly cycled TB tank.  My CRS look great and they have been reproducing.  I don't know what more you could ask :).  In addition to that, Shrimpy Daddy has been very helpful in answering my questions.


Below is a picture of one of the females.  She has been in an SD tank for about 3 months.  Her shell seems to get thicker and the color more dense with every molt.


Good luck.


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(i'm sure i'll get some PMs for this)


ShrimpNewbiee...what experience do you have with shrimp so far?


these 2 lines of products have completely different ways of cycling. 

1 is set it and forget it for 30days, other requires almost daily attention.


for a beginner one can be a little overwhelming. but they both get you to the same place in their different ways.


and both a great lines just like Greenteam said.

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Well, i have been using saltyshrimps and mosura products for the past years, but now i have decided to switch over to something else for my next project. I like the concept of shrimp daddy products, i know with SD there will be a lot more tasks, which is why i'm a bit hesistant. Because if two products produce same result, but 1 needs more attention. Wouldn't it mean that the products line that does not need much attention is better ? Hence why, im up here to get some feedback. 

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Well, i have been using saltyshrimps and mosura products for the past years, but now i have decided to switch over to something else for my next project. I like the concept of shrimp daddy products, i know with SD there will be a lot more tasks, which is why i'm a bit hesistant. Because if two products produce same result, but 1 needs more attention. Wouldn't it mean that the products line that does not need much attention is better ? Hence why, im up here to get some feedback. 


They don't produce the same EXACT results.

For instance, with SD, the products greatly improves coloration of blue bolts and many more!

Many of my blue bolts went from low grade to full blue. So it went from a $10-$16 shrimp to a $30-$35 shrimp using SD line.

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^ that now "$35" shrimp, will it revert to a "$16" shrimp if you sell it to someone not using SD products? Can you really now sell it as an extreme blue bolt? Don't think SD alters the genetics of the shrimp.

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^ that now "$35" shrimp, will it revert to a "$16" shrimp if you sell it to someone not using SD products? Can you really now sell it as an extreme blue bolt? Don't think SD alters the genetics of the shrimp.

SD does not alter genetics.


Not sure on the reverting part but if it reverts back to low quality, your tank is missing/lacking the minerals needed.

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One of the major benefits of the SD system is that a shrimp that have very good genetics will not display their potential if the tank it lives in is missing the ingredients to display its full potential. These poor looking shrimp may be culled and their true genetic potential will never be passed on. This is why fantastic looking shrimp may end up coming out of a cull tank.

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Ultimately, the choice between SD’s Line vs. MK’s Line will boil down to you and your personal preference.

Many folks will argue that SD’s Line is complex, has a lot of steps, and overall not user friendly (especially for the newer shrimp keepers), but I don’t find that to be true. I agree there is a learning curve, but as all things, once you make an effort to understand it and do it, it will become easier. It’s only overwhelming because it’s different. It’s different because unlike some other products that arrived from overseas and sold to users, SD’s took the time and effort to actually provide detail instructions. It’s complex because it’s detailed, it’s detailed because he doesn’t want you to fail. It’s complexity is similar to a professor whose very knowledgeable in his field explaining something to you. You will be overwhelmed and think it the subject is too difficult. But in time it will become easier and I think you and your shrimps will be better for it.

You could also take the set-it-and-forget-it method and use other products and it’ll still work. I actually recommend it if it’s something you know you’ll enjoy doing more. A hobby shouldn’t be something that you feel you’re tied down by. Do it for the joy, not as a chore. There’s doing something to get it done and doing something because you’re passionate about it. I’m passionate about shrimp keeping. I want me shrimps to look amazing. I want to buy cheap 10$ shrimps and have that 30$ look. I’m don’t plan on reselling or marketing them under false pre-tense, so it doesn’t matter to me. What matters to me is that they look their best.

SD’s line cannot change genetics, you’re right. But there are other, equally, important factors that contributes to the overall look AND health of shrimps. That said, you could buy a hundred dollar shrimp and keep them in less than ideal parameters and they won’t look any better than ten-dollar shrimp. To me, SD’s line is about providing the very best possible advantage for shrimps to grow, be healthy, and look their absolute best.

Even top level athletes didn’t get there relying solely on genetics. They became great because of a combination of things.

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