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Where did tb come from?

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I've been on tpt and there's been some small debate about whether tb came from mutations or came from breeders tanks in Taiwan who let there tanks run rampid and they kinda just popped up. So does anyone have any information on this any links to back up theory and turn it to fact. Let's get to the bottom of it.

I would like to know a little more back ground on taiwans personally but googling yields me nothing

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I mentioned it there, too, but I think TB came from tiger x crs.  If anyone has the B&K #1 mag, I think a breeder mentioned that.  Otherwise it will take me a day or two to find it.

That makes more sense in term of colors. However I also heard that Taiwan Bee came from a mutation of selective breeding for colors/patterns  of CBS/CRS/GOlDEN and SNOW WHITE. May be the breeder from Asia had Crystal Red with Tiger's Gene that he did not realize.

I had spending the last 5 year learning koi's gene for breeding. My main purpose for better health and size.

I need to stay away from shrimp mutation! Otherwise my koi going to be BLUE BOLT pattern. Wait a minute! I want BLUE BOLT koi. May be i am just following along with you guys. LOL

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there are 2 theorys that i know of one is that its a mutation that popped up in crystal shrimp and the other is that it was a tiger x crystal cross. i dont think that there is a 100% way to prove what one it is but there is stuff out there that states it popped up about the same time in both germany and asia. and it might be a mix of the two theorys as well. im a member on several (about a dozen) shrimp groups on facebook with some awesome breeder and the topic has been brought up before. that was the answer i got when talking to them any way.

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This is why we should keep journals of what we do how we do it and why we did it and the end result with photos. This way anything that pops up is t lost and the history behind it is kept in tact

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