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Seizing oebt

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I found an oebt this morning seizing on its side, white in color all the way through the shrimp and then died. I checked ammonia nitrite nitrate and tds and ph. Everything is normal. Ph 6.4 nitrite nitrate and ammonia 0 tds 150

The only thing I can think of is bacterial infection. Let me post a photo in a few minutes. No other shrimps are affected or white at all though

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they will turn that way when they die/dieing. anything new added to the tank? new water or are you using ro? anything sprayed close to the tank or in the same room? what kind of substrate could it have had a gas pocket in the substrate and released it next to the shrimp?

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Not possible for any of the above. She was this color for three days before I found her siezing, she was still alive when this picture was taken. I had removed her the moment she fell over. I have 2-4 more oebt in the tank and one looks milky like this the other isn't as bad yet.

I have boiled lightly 4 ial and 12 alder cones and threw in the tank to help immune systems and let the tannins stain the water for more anti bacterial and fungal preventative measures. Jaime is being very kind and helping me. She is sending me some mouser tonic pro and green walnut leaves. I'm grateful for her help and everyone else's. What's the likelihood this will spread from these to my crs tb tibees etc. because it seems it's isolated with oebt, and I have heard from several others that this is normal in there oebt colonies and while they had crs tb tibee etc only the oebt had gotten the infections.

Any ideas.

Nothing gets sprayed in the room. I'm using Amazonia. I added some cholla wood and mosses but I highly doubt it's from them or the tb I put in. They have been like this for a while.

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what is the temp in the tank? i never had luck keeping tigers in low crs parameters. mine were always a ph of 7-7.5 gh5 kh2. i used tap. mine would berry but never saw babies in the low parameters. once i moved them i saw babies all the time. if they are that white for a few days then yes its major bacterial. even adding new shrimp can cause an outbreak. oebt are really sensitive shrimp. and once bacteria sets in its hard to get rid of. i lost a colony of 60+ in a week. talk about crying lol. took me 2 years to figure out what happened. some people have had good luck with paraguard others with melafix. i know first hand you can double a dose of melafix and its fine. i tried both of those and neither helped. pull any that start looking milky like that. and keep a close eye on them. if others start eating on one that is like that what ever it is will get passed on. i wish you luck. and about this time of year you will start seeing all kinds of "whats causing the death of my oebt" threads on tpt. keep the temp no warmer than 70. and cross everything you can that you cut the sorce off fast.

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My temp is always kept at 70 I make sure of that in winter I keep it at 72 to counter the house because we have no Heater.

I found another this morning and pulled it immediately. The leaves I out in and alder cones have started staining the water which is a good sign. There is one more in there that's starting milky white.

I don't like using any chemical in my tank. Para guard or melafix. I used melafix in my betas breeding with success. But other than that I stay away from chemicals.

As for keeping them. I've had them in there for about 8 months just fine not one problem I never knew they were among the more sensitive shrimps. I've never had a bacterial infection problem before so I'm kinda freaking out

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any you see getting milky pull from the tank and keep them out of the general population. i had my colony for 2 years and bam one got it and they started dropping like flies. turns out it was my water. so the more i did water changes to try and help things the worse it made it. all the orange eye tigers be it blue, blond, royal, or black are way more sensitive than any of the others i have had. 


every tank has its own bacteria in it. so when you add new shrimp or even just move things from one tank to another you are moving bacteria. shrimp will carry it with them from where ever they came from. by adding anything new you are adding new types of bacteria to the tank. some times the shrimp can fight it and adapt some times they cant. 


think about it like traveling and being at a major air port. alot of people can be sick. by being around them you might get it you might not. same thing with adding things to the tank.

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even if they are acting normal if they start getting the white at all pull them. mine never got like that till they died. once they died with in minutes they would look like that though. i believe its a sign of tissue illness/death (the white) so no chance in passing it. its a shame cause they are not cheap but some times it happens. i dont know how sensitive the Tibee are ive never had any but i know the tigers are pretty sensitive. now the common tiger i think is pretty hardy but any of the fancy ones is a different story

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Yeah, you can say that again :) lol

I got them in a trade. But I still feel horrible because they are so beautiful even the blondes. There's one left in there I should probably pull and medicate in a tupaware because I have no quarantine tank. :( live and learn.

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some times just adding new shrimp can do it. they bring bacteria with/on them from the tank they came from. some times its the new shrimp that get sick some times its the ones you started with. i wish you luck that no others get it.

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The last oebt died today. I've been pouring in a tea from ial and alder cones as well as supplementing as much that fits on the end of a toothpick of bw shield. No one is showing signs of bacterial infection whatsoever. Water change tomorrow. I will be monitoring the tank for the next two weeks,

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