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is my setup OK? anything I should change?


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Ive just purchased some blue bolts and black pandas to try and breed some shadow pandas.

I just want to make sure ive got evrything optimal to keep them happy and healthy.  


Ive only ever kept crystal reds and crystal blacks previously.


10g tank, remineralized RO water (salty shrimp gh+), fluval shrimp and plant stratum.    

Currently I have a bunch of marimo balls and some ceramic shrimp tube things, and Ive got a bunch of subwassertang on the way to give them some plant stuff to hide in and feed off.

I have added a couple alder cones in my filter to try and stabalize the PH.


Current params:

  • HK 0
  • GH 5
  • TDS 109
  • PH 6.5
  • Temp 75
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Yeah, Im not real sure what do do about the temp, thats just how it is in that room.  There's no heater in the tank (will be putting in a thermastatically controlled heater when winter comes to be sure it stays around 70-72)  I'm using LED lights pretty far off from the tank so they shouldnt be putting off much heat.


I could try just opening the glass lid, but im afraid of escapees... could the HOB be adding heat? should I try switching to a sponge filter, or drop the water level down an inch or so so they are less likely to climb out if I iopen it?

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