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Indian almond leaves?


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Do you have to have Indian almond leaves in the tanks? The reason why the question is because the leaves I'm putting in my tank are beginning to be a little bit pricey for me. So I was just wondering how often you put leaves in your tanks.

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Is it absolutely necessary? No. It's just a nice thing for the shrimp to have. It provides a great surface for biofilm for them to feed off of. I've heard of anti-bacterial benefits as well but I don't know if that is proven to be true.


How many are you putting into your tank at one time? The most I'll have in my 10G at one time is two full leaves. They last about a month for me so you probably shouldn't be going through them that quickly.

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it's optional.


It's nice to have, but not must.

I don't have it in my tanks right now. my shrimps are doing well.

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I highly recommend leaf litter for a shrimp tank, though it is not a must. Aside from a source for biofilm and micro organisms to colonize, the tannins provide anti-bacterial/anti-fungal properties in most leaves.

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I highly recommend leaf litter for a shrimp tank, though it is not a must. Aside from a source for biofilm and micro organisms to colonize, the tannins provide anti-bacterial/anti-fungal properties in most leaves.


Agree, the tricky part is to add it little by little.


Add too much at once and has weak filtering would cause the system to crash. that the common mistake people made.

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