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I've read some articles about shrimp fertilization and saw that the eggs only move to the swimmerets after they are fertilized.  When a female is berried, how likely is it that the shrimp will hatch?  As a long time fish breeder, I know that once eggs hatch a lot can still go wrong, but I am just trying to gauge expectations of seeing shrimplets.  


Also, my eyesight isn't what it once was, but at least two of my berried females have eggs that seem to be be mostly one color with a few eggs of a different color.  Am I seeing things or can the eggs be different colors?






Heyya Chris, :)


The males deposit a sperm packet beneath the female.  When the eggs travel through the body and exit, they have to pass through the packet to get to the swimmerets.  Most eggs hatch after fert, provided the male is not sterile, and teh female can hold onto the eggs long enough.  IN a healthy environment, usually both present no problems, although the first time or two for the fems it is not uncommon for them to drops eggs while going the the process of learning how to carry them.


Neo eggs can be different colors, as well as mischling cards.




Neo eggs can be different colors, as well as mischling cards.

Thanks SS.  I appreciate the reply.  I spent some time looking and only a couple of my Caridina females seem to have a small number of different colored eggs.  These are very young females of stock I got recently, so time will tell what happens.





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