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Female RCS turning purple

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I have one that looked just like that but with less red, you could see that the flesh had a light blue tint to it. Unfortunately it died today from what looked like a failed molt. It'd be a cool little project if you had an extra tank for it.

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It's worth noting a couple fun facts about shrimp biology that may be related:


1. Their blood turns blue when oxygenated and clear when deoxygenated. Because of that, the oxygen-carrying protein of their blood is called hemocyanin. (The corresponding red molecule in our blood cells is called hemoglobin. Interestingly, there is a copper molecule at the center of hemocyanin and an iron molecule at the center of hemoglobin. Just like how higher than trace copper levels are poisonous to shrimp, high iron levels are dangerous to vertebrates.)

2. Shrimp have an "open" circulatory system where their blood (which is actually technically called hemolymph) is pumped from a main blood vessel into a large cavity called the hemocoel to deliver oxygen. Contrast that with our "closed" circulatory system where the blood never leaves the highly-branched blood vessels.


So, in contrast to humans, a shrimp turning blue may be caused by an increase in oxygen.

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Quick update:  m'lady passed sometime today.   The coroner's report states she died from "lack of living".  


Seriously though, she basically showed no signs of recovery at any point, stopped moving altogether, until finally falling onto her side then going "belly up".


The rest of the RCS in the tank look fine, going about doing their thing.  I'll update again if I see any re-occurrence.  

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I remember when I kept Fire Red shrimp that at times when a shrimp would die, some portions of the body turned a purple/black. I never really understood why, but it happened so seldom I never thought to ask. I feel that the shrimp that died for me that turned this purple/black color were quite old.

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I remember when I kept Fire Red shrimp that at times when a shrimp would die, some portions of the body turned a purple/black. I never really understood why, but it happened so seldom I never thought to ask. I feel that the shrimp that died for me that turned this purple/black color were quite old.


hi deta, i have also experienced those with some healthy fire shrimp... i dunno if this makes sense but it seems that "purple" RCS happens randomly in cherries or fire shrimp? It would be great to know the real cause

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