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Hi all,


I have setup a new 10gal tank for bee shrimp

I have added almost a full 9L bag, to around 8 cm thick substrate. With the addition of old sea mud and bacter 100 as first layer, filled with 3cm aquasoil and some more bacter 100 and filled to desired level with aquasoil. 


Our tap water has a Ph of 8 and KH of 4


I have done 3 90% w/c in the last 3 days using tap water and adding prime for chloramines.

The tanks p/m is at 0 KH and 7 PH. isn't the PH supposed to be less?

The tank is running on a canister of 400L/h and airstone for oxygen for the filter bacteria at 24 Celcius.

I have also setup a small tub as a experiment with tap water and aqua soil, around half/half and the PH of this is at 6.2/6.4

I will run the cycle for 4 weeks and change over to SS GH+ and RO/DI water


So the question I have, is the PH staying at 7 due to the tap water PH of 8?

And, when completing the cycle and changing to RO with PH 7, will it drop lower then to say PH 6.5 or whatever?


any advise or recomedation would be great


Picture of the tank






Do a 50% water change with RO or distill water. Don't forget to remineral the Rodi water.


What affect will this have on the PH?


Can it be that the tap water is to hard and exhausting the aqua soils buffering?


Maurice, love the setup!


I highly recommend using RODI water, not only does it help preserve the buffering capacity of your Aquasoil, but it also provides you with a lower PH to begin with, and a blank slate to build you ideal shrimp water parameters. If this is certainly not an option, then it maybe more difficult for you to keep "bee shrimp" especially if your tap water is 8 PH.


I would try, setting up the aquarium as you have done. Let the aquasoil take sometime to buffer your tap water, I think you might be changing the water so frequent your not allowing the substrate to take the gradual effect of lowering the PH of your water.


Thanks DETAquarium,


Ok, I have just done a nice big 90% water change with RO/DI and SS GH+ Water crystal clear now 


w/p now:

PH - 7 

TDS - 115

GH - 4.5

KH - 0/1


I will allow the substrate to to its thing and update what the outcome is, hopefully if I leave it now it should start to buffer nice and low


My only concern is how long the cycle is going to take with 0 KH, but lets see how it goes :)


Thanks DETAquarium,


Ok, I have just done a nice big 90% water change with RO/DI and SS GH+ Water crystal clear now 


w/p now:

PH - 7 

TDS - 115

GH - 4.5

KH - 0/1


I will allow the substrate to to its thing and update what the outcome is, hopefully if I leave it now it should start to buffer nice and low


My only concern is how long the cycle is going to take with 0 KH, but lets see how it goes :)

0KH allows the substrate to buffer with ease.

Cycle will take some time as pH lowers.


Thanks Poopians, that makes sense yes.


Just got home from work and tested all the w/p

Its looking way better and I am happy with everybody's recommendations 


PH - 6.3/6.4

GH - 4.25

TDS - 110

KH - 0/1

NH3 - 2

NO3 - 0.25


So I am cycling until i have 0 reading for nitrate and ammonia, which is cool, as there there will only be a nice import of shrimp in Jan so I have lots of time to do the cycle the proper way.


Ok, everything is going in the right direction

NH4 at 0.5 and NO3 started rising and sitting at 20/25, so the cycle is going good.


Now I want to ask, the pH drops to around 6/6.1, will this be fine for crs and cbs?


When I initially cycled with tap water and fluval stratum, I realized it took 24-48 hours to fully buffer the water. My tap would register as 7.6ph, but after about 48 hours, it would be 6.4pH - so if you wish to continue using tap water (which I don't recommend), the buffering takes quite a bit to fully take action.


Ok, everything is going in the right direction

NH4 at 0.5 and NO3 started rising and sitting at 20/25, so the cycle is going good.


Now I want to ask, the pH drops to around 6/6.1, will this be fine for crs and cbs?

That's actually perfect :)


Thanks Poopians, thats a relief to hear :)

Dervie, I am cycling with half ro half tap, so cycling with ph7.5 and KH 2, to keep the ph a little higher for filter bacteria, but this drops to ph 6.1 and KH 0 within 24 hours, still on the 50% water change every second day as per recomendation for aquasoil.

Will change to remineralised RO after cycle is complete

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