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red bolt (I think) and strange tb


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Popped up in my tb and pinto tank.sorry for bad pics had to pop an algae waffer in to draw it out. Blue/brown tail light mid stripe and chocolate head colour and what I think is a red bolt. All opinions welcome.


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It is possible it could be a Red Bolt, but ultimately it depends on the lineage. Have you Taiwan Bees/Pintos been bred with anything other than Taiwan Bees? If your pintos were crossed with CRS/CBS it could be a golden.

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3 hours ago, Cappie49 said:



The first pic looks like a red bolt, but like DETAquarium said, it will depend on the lineage.


And sorry to go off topic... is that a metal spring in the picture?

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Thanks for the replays, way back I did have two CRS in with the pinto's ancestors, 8 first cross TTxKK plus two OEBT.So it's possible although I don't get anything other than TB, pinto and the odd diff ones above.

Kurobom it's a marine grade stainless steel coil used for weighing down cucumber, spinach, etc.

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Stitch. Midnight prince? I'll have to google that. I don't line breed, have no room pretty much just let them get on with it. Started with five pintos, two red two black and a blue one and 12-15 TBs I removed from a 100gal planted tank I changed to a discus setup

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