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Approaching from another angle...

Tannin Aquatics

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Do you tend to try lots of different things in your hobby adventures? In other words, you might be a cichlid girl at heart, but you can't resist the urge to try a cool pair of Bettas. Or, maybe you're a hardcore Rainbowfish lover, but you have this desire to play with breeding Loaches.


You switch stuff up a lot, huh? I mean, I know plenty of hobbyists with 40-50 aquariums, many dedicated to one variety of fishes...but you almost always see them have at least one or two "wildcards" in there- filled with fishes that are totally outside of their area of specialization...just because.


I think that's what's so cool about our hobby. There is endless variety and many options. And the skills that we learn in one are of specialization can often be applied to another, perhaps reaping benefits we haven't even considered yet? (click to read more)

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