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Getting out of shrimping


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So long story short i dipped my feet in the saltwater side of the hobby and now i have dived in. I have taken down my shrimp tank and now have so much equipment and dry goods lying around. I am not looking to make a lot of money, just wanting to get rid of all my shrimping stuff and get some frags instead! I am open to offers but will post what I believe is a fair price.

Salty Shrimp Bee Shrimp GH+ (almost completely full) $15 SOLD


Indian Almond Leaves (i have 8 leaves), Banana leaves (3), Tantora Guava leaves (8), Alder cones (15), Tantora Amaranth leaves ( i have a about a full package) $15 SOLD

Mk breed black diamond (it is like three quarters full) $10

Cologne shrimp food Tai mix (half full) $5 SOLD

Sl aqua snowflake food (full) $5

Repashy shrimp souffle (half full) $4 SOLD

Yamaya stones ( i don't have any idea what to price these at so i will take offers) SOLD

Eheim canister filter 2211 (without media; comes with suction cups) $60 SOLD

Archaea Ultra-Gro full spectrum aquatic plant light (18 inch) $60

Söchting mini oxydator ( i have it with one catalyst and one bottle of solution that is a little over half way over $5 SOLD

Mk breed life balls (i have used 4 of them for about 6 months; i cleaned them and they are basically new. I also have 5 that are brand new.) $10 SOLD

A pyrex food dish (never used) i don't want to sell this but will give it as a freebie in an order

Mesh moss mats- freebie as well.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Does the oxydator work well? Considering getting one for myself 

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2 hours ago, ohmiko said:

Does the oxydator work well? Considering getting one for myself 

It works well but only in certain situations such as tanks with CO2 injected or air pump broke, power outage,etc.

It is pretty much useless if you're running air operated filtration,HOB, etc.

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2 hours ago, OMG Aquatics said:

It works well but only in certain situations such as tanks with CO2 injected or air pump broke, power outage,etc.

It is pretty much useless if you're running air operated filtration,HOB, etc.

ohhhh I see that makes sense :) Thank you!!

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