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blue bolt

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I have an small tank with 3 blue bolt females and 1 crs male.All 3 females are berried and I was wandering what will the baby shrimp be: mischlings,blue bolts or just simple crs?One had the babys and from the few that I can see they seem to resemble the dad.

Also if you folks can help me with grading one of the females-I don't have a picture of it at the moment but to put it simply is like a normal bb with a black spot on the back.


Thanks in advance

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A smaller chance then you would have if you bred them back with the Blue Bolts. Some people will cull out the male mishlings and bred the females to male TBs. Won't quite work in your case. You could get a hang on breeder box (http://www.kensfish.com/aquarium-supplies/fish-breeding-supplies/marina-hang-on-breeding-box-large.html) and put your female BB in with a (when they get old enough) couple male mishlings. That would increase your odds. So would adding a few more TBs, something other than BB for different colors, or a tiger or two (for tibees). I am also a firm believer in multiple tanks, so if that is an option...


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