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Trying to decide which shrimp to get


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Hey guys, 

I'm currently in the process of cycling my new 20 gallon long tank and I'm having a lot of trouble deciding which type of shrimp will be have the most success in my tank.  Here's my current setup image.jpegI'm using Fluval Shrimp stratum, a corner HMF from Swiss Tropicals, I have some cholla and drift wood, a ton of Java moss and other plants from my LFS, mineral rocks Indian almond leaves and some Malaysian trumpet snails.  PH is 6.7. Im currently interested in some pandas but I'm curious if I'll have more success with crystal reds or possibly some other kind.  Any suggestions for my what kind of shrimp to get that will thrive in this tank or any suggestions for the tank itself would be greatly appreciated!! 

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I think gettings some tibees or Crystals and tigers would be fun :)  Can never get bored of surprise patterns + tiger stripes so cool

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I think you should do crystal reds or mischlings! https://www.flipaquatics.com/product/crystal-red-shrimp-grades-a-ss/

If you're interested in mischlings Flip Aquatics also has those. You can send a message to the business Facebook page or through the website. 


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I will be setting up a caridina tank myself in these next couple months. Eventually a mixed tank, but probably going to sprout off into a bunch of individual color morph tanks... I liked the Crystal Red until the first time I saw a Wine Red, would like a tank of those. Neos are the easiest, and would work in your tank, but as it is good for bees that do not require the very low ph, I would go with them. When picking shrimp I generally go with what I can get ahold of and what colors/patters I find most pleasing. Then I pick whichever one would go in my setup. As I mostly have neos and tigers it hasn't been to hard. I like bright, intense colors, my sister likes the Tangerine Tigers(we are twins, we have a tendency to do things together). The first bees I am getting will be Blue Bolts, then a few Pandas, then some Wine Reds. Going to mix them with the TTs and OEBT and see what pops up.  

I am not sure which would be the easiest... I have a bad tendency to go for what I like and then hope it works out. Bad, I know. But I haven't managed to kill off a colony yet. Hopefully some of the cardina people will come in and give their opinion.


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I have pandas recently acquired! Very strong beautiful and very active. As for blue bolts, I had a bunch but they seem extremely sensitive to heat and other fluctuations so I no longer have any sadly :(

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I heard the same thing about OEBT but I did not loose any to the two week heatwave we had here, that started two days after they arrived Their tank would get up to 80-82 F during the day. Lost one two weeks after the heatwave, right around the time two of them got berried. Maybe the culls are sturdier? Our good weather is winding down, so my apartment will be a steady temp 'till next spring (and late spring at that). We will see how the BB are during the winter. But hands down the easiest shrimp I have are the Opae'ula. As far as I can tell I haven't lost a single one, and have near thirty little teenagers running around. But... they can't share space with other shrimp so... will have to experiment to see which shrimp I can keep alive in my tanks.


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