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What do I feed them?


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So I have a tank that I like to toss in random things (fish/shrimp/crays/plants) and just let nature take it's course. 


I have such a mix in the tank that I'm not sure what to feed anymore. In the tank I have Dwarf Blue Crayfish, Celestial Pearl Danio's, and a mix of random shrimp. 


I prefer to keep things simple and I want to avoid overfeeding. So looking for suggestions as to what I could use for everyone without having to use several foods for each inhabitant. 



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When I kept Chili Rasbora and Least Killifish a few years back I fed them New Life Spectrum micro pellets and Ken's Golden Pearls (as well as frozen bloodworms, freeze dried tubifex, etc.), and they thrived on these foods. I also fed earthworm and spirulina flakes that they took to very well also. During my betta breeding, I'd feed the fry these foods as they approached 3/4 - 1 inch too. Maybe you could try these for your CPD's? 

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