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just picked up some juvie/sub adult tiger shrimp for $2 each at my LFS and their TDS on my stick said 160 x 10 PPM and I assume it's like tap water. How long should i acclimate them into my caridina water PH 6.3 TDS 150 ? I was thinking like 3-5 hrs

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Their ph was 7.2 gh I don't have the tester ?

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Seriously though cannot believe the high TDS.... unbelievable.  They had crystals stocked there too for $2 but shipments on tuesday and I went friday so all of their colors faded from stress/ a lot of weak shrimp :((((((( The tiger shrimp are doing fine. One died, 2 are hiding and one successfully molted

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Good luck with them ohmiko! When I first started the hobby years ago, I could NOT keep Tiger Shrimp alive for the life of me. Then again, I also had no idea about drip acclimation either lol. Whenever I'm introducing new shrimp with vastly different parameters, I sometimes acclimate them for literally a day or two. I brought down my Golden Back neos from a GH of 15 to 5-6 and KH of 9 to 4-5 safely with no losses. The more I spend on them, the more cautious I am lol!

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