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Yellow Neos Video

Shrimp Life

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6 hours ago, ohmiko said:

I never have luck with them :( 

Same here. I've tried twice, once with imported shrimp, and once with local shrimp. Both times I lost most of them due to improper water parameters on my part, though all my other neo colors have been resilient enough to make it through all of my mishaps. They are incredibly beautiful though, and I won't stop trying. The really do glow when they are placed on dark substrate. I'm trying make space for a tank for them, and OEBTs or Royal Blues.

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Beautiful yellows, dazalea! I've been trying for the last month and a half to get my population off the ground, but my girls are holding steady onto their saddles ugh! Not really sure what it'll take to get them going, but I'd appreciate it if they'd start lol. Otherwise, you'll have an order from me sometime very soon!

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12 hours ago, Euryth said:

Beautiful yellows, dazalea! I've been trying for the last month and a half to get my population off the ground, but my girls are holding steady onto their saddles ugh! Not really sure what it'll take to get them going, but I'd appreciate it if they'd start lol. Otherwise, you'll have an order from me sometime very soon!

 Don't give up! It will happen....


If you need more, let me know I will be happy to help

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