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DIY $7 Internal Breeder Box


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DIY $7 Internal Breeder Box

After dealing for 3-4 years with Marina external breeder boxes ran by Elite micro pump .I decided to switch to internal ones. Not that I don’t like Marina ones but in my narrow shrimp room they are always on my way during maintenance and catching shrimps.

There are some very handy models but all of them are too large for my divided tanks.

After scratching my head for a week here is what I come with.

You will need:

Lee's specimen container


Some air tubbing, air stone, acrylic tube, pvc or even hose will work.

Dremel or any other cutting tool, drill bit, 2 part epoxy, SS fine net.

I believe most of the people having aquariums for some time will have most of the things on hand.

I bought Lees for $4.99 couple of months ago. Rest of the stuff was laying around.

Because 1 picture worth 1000 words here is the design.





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If I'm not mistaken there's what are called soap caddies for showers that are sold at dollar stores which already have the holes drilled in them, I haven't researched their dimensions yet, I know in planted aquaria circles they're really popular for palludriums and immersed wetland/bog plants.  The Lee's product is a bit small. Marina makes a similar sized external refugium, ( actually 3 sizes..) with all the gear you already added for about $8.

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4 hours ago, LesterBee said:

If I'm not mistaken there's what are called soap caddies for showers that are sold at dollar stores which already have the holes drilled in them, I haven't researched their dimensions yet, I know in planted aquaria circles they're really popular for palludriums and immersed wetland/bog plants.  The Lee's product is a bit small. Marina makes a similar sized external refugium, ( actually 3 sizes..) with all the gear you already added for about $8.


He mentions in the description how he already had the Marina external ones but made this to be for internal use therefore no extra room required. 



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