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New to shrimp tanks

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Hello all I've been keeping fish for over 30 yrs but I would love to start a shrimp only tank. So far I have a 20L that I think would be a great shrimp tank. Plus I have a sponge filter that I could use and a 200w heater. I would love to plant it too. But no extra lights so need to get that. Now here are my questions.


1.) What is the best plants for shrimp?


2.) What substrate is best for them?


3.) What food do they need?


4.) What water parms do they need my tap water is very hard I use Prime as a water treatment for my other tanks is that fine for shrimp?


5.) What shrimp should I start out with?



Thank you for your time


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1.  I use low tech plants and a lot of moss. anub and java moss

2. If your getting neos you can use sand I like black because they darken up a bit to blend in. for Caridina you need a buffer substrate to lower PH

3. theshrimptank.com has some good foods email Will and ask him he will help you out he runs that site and this one but I use indian almond leaves, alder cones to name a few just put them in the tank. other foods just make sure to not over feed them I feed every other day

4. I keep neos and my water is PH7.2 GH8 KH4 TDS175 TEMP73 I used distilled water tho its not bad because you don't have to do a weekly WC

5.I started with red cherry shrimp, they are cheap so if you do mess up your not out a lot of money and I messed up alot


for a side note I got my lights from amazon very nice and cheap and they grow my low light plants. its called Beamswork EA Timer FSPEC LED Aquarium Light Freshwwater Plant Extendable


I hope any of this helps you out and good luck

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welcome to TSS.


best bet is to keep the shrimp only tank a low tech planted tank, that way you are not trying to dose ferts & mess with co2 while learning to keep shrimp.


I'd start with Neocaridinas.  black sand/black blasting sand, indian almond leaves/mulberry leaves, & snowflake type food

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