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Best Food for Shrimp?


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Hi all,


Returning hobbyist here with mostly failed attempts of shrimp raising/breeding. Please refer to my other post here if you'd be awesome enough to assist. 



In the past, I've tried a few brands like Hikari's shrimp food, but mostly stuck to assorted flakes and pellets meant for community/fish (usually kensfish), occasional blanched vegetables, frozen bloodworms, etc. I have never seen an instance of shrimp immediately crowding over a food the way you see in display pictures of fish food brand, or successful shrimp keeping youtubes/etc. If anything, the majority of my shrimp would ignore it with occasional sampling (except perhaps frozen bloodworms), and I'd feel compelled to capture and throw most of the food away. 


Thus, with budget in mind (in that I'd like to be able to breed/sell enough to at least break even some day), does anybody have a tried and true brand/type of food that shrimp (caridinas/neos) across the universe seem to have a consensus on? All suggestions are welcomed. 


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I have red cherry tank prob. 500 in here and green jade tank prob. 200 in this one they both love GlasGarten Shrimp Dinner and CSF - Pure Mineral. Both tanks are 40g breeders and I put the food in the middle of the tank so they don't have to look far. My tanks are not over planted and only a few small wood they love both foods tho.

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Welcome Mikolas to Shrimp Spot.  I rotate amaranth ,nettle, and other veggie leaves as leave in food. Usually gone in two days.  As for purchased foods I use Shrimp King Mineral, and Protein,  CSF Baby Pro, and BW Frenzy.  The Frenzy is the only one they really go crazy for.  Most of the leaves are easy to grow (even in containers) to save money and are like vegetation that would fall in their natural environment.,,,,Mike

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I've only ever made my own food (Veggies/Leaves/etc...) or used leaves and salmon/carnivore pellets & I don't think I could get my shrimp to stop breeding if I tried!!!  L.R. Bretz says he feeds everything he has (including shrimp) the Tetra slow sinking color pellets, I recently tried those just to mix things up and my shrimp took to them very quickly.  


In my experience I didn't see my shrimp swarm a piece of food until I had a decent number of them 25-30 & only then when I figured out what they really liked.  Mulberry leaves and squash/zucchini blooms are a great food for that.  

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