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Why are my shrimp dying?

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I was wondering if anyone can help me determine exactly what is killing my shrimp? 

I have a 10g partially planted tank with a mixture of now 13 shrimp (3 orange Sunkist, 4 red rilli, 6 RCS), 1 rabbit snail (+2 babies!), 6 MTS (+2 babies!), some tag along ramshorn snails and bladder snails, 1 mystery snail, 1 nerite snail, 3 glow light tetras, 1 kuhli loach (very happy fella). There are two java ferns, some frogbit and some java moss along some driftwood. The drift wood is from my tank setup I had setup at college (before corona hit...) so all the tannins were already dissolved out. There is also 1/2 of a sungrow betta leaf (Amazon link below for description), which I boiled most of the tannins out of. 

I do 20% WC every 1.5-2 weeks and use seachem prime and stability with the WC. My most recent WC was 3 days ago. I just took the parameters for the tank which are listed: NH3/NH4+ — 0ppm, NO2- — 0ppm, NO3- — 5-10ppm, KH — 53.7ppm, GH — 196.9ppm, Ca2+ — 80-100ppm, pH — 7.2-7.6. All these have remained consistent besides the nitrates which have lowered from 20ppm over 1 week. I only began measuring GH/KH today and Ca2+ two days ago (measured at 60ppm then). 

the shrimp have been randomly and slowly dying since I have gotten back from college. I had the tank cycled for 5 days with the snails and plants before I brought them back (originally just the orange Sunkist and the loach+tetras) and the parameters checked out  before acclimating the shrimp and fish. Only one Sunkist has died. 3 red rilli and 3 rcs have also died starting after 1 week of being bought/added. I did see a couple molts in the tank in the first couple weeks but haven’t seen any in the past 3 weeks. Some days I’ll have 2 dead shrimp and then a week later another randomly dies. I saw one today that looked dead and when I tried to remove it it moved its swimmers and legs so I let it be. Then later I checked on him and he was dead :(. 


I believe this is a molting problem caused by low GH (specifically Ca2+). I have included the picture of the tank and the food I feed them with below. I feed them every other day with either 1 algae wafer or 2 shrimp pellets and only as of recently I have been adding ground eggshells. 

please let me know your thoughts on why my shrimp keep dying and/or how I can prevent more from following the same path as past shrimp have! 


thanks! Always open to feedback to learn more!


update: TDS is 368ppm and temp is 72.5 ºF


amazon link (not promotional, just for details on leaf): https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00HG1TMIW/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_tai_wwISEbDEB27C2



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1 hour ago, ElevateShrimp said:

Can you elaborate on "cycled for 5 days?"


I had the 10 gallon started for 5 days with some snails in it and some bacteria and added the shrimp once the parameters showed no nitrites/ammonia... I’m fairly well certain it’s not a tank cycling Issue...  as of now there are no nitrites or ammonia either and fairly low nitrate levels— the tank was started in the last two weeks of March


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On 5/6/2020 at 9:08 PM, The_aquatic_lifestyle said:

I had the 10 gallon started for 5 days with some snails in it and some bacteria and added the shrimp once the parameters showed no nitrites/ammonia... I’m fairly well certain it’s not a tank cycling Issue...  as of now there are no nitrites or ammonia either and fairly low nitrate levels— the tank was started in the last two weeks of March


I do not believe it is cycled, you started it with commercial bottle bacteria? 

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