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Wild-Caught Florida Shrimp ID Help


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This is my first post on this forum, and it is out of curious necessity as I am tired of trying to figure out what these are by myself

Today I went for a third collecting trip to a local creek near my residence on the East Coast of Florida. The past 2 times I have been to this spot I have been seeking native fish, caught shrimp that resemble Neocaridina sp., as they displayed colors such as red and blue once in the bucket. These shrimp have all had a light colored stripe down the back upon being caught and that put my belief of them possibly being Neocaridina. I now believe they could also possibly be Potimirim sp. upon seeing images in this article: http://www.planetainvertebrados.com.br/index.asp?pagina=especies_ver&id_categoria=24&id_subcategoria=19&com=1&id=162&local=2 that resemble the shrimp from the creek, as well as historic collection data about 30 minutes south of the collection site, even though they haven't been collected since the 1980's, and was believed to have been wiped out by the cold. Either way these shrimp would have had to have been introduced through an aquarium release. I sampled adjacent drainage ditches and creeks a mile north and a mile south and found no shrimp other than common Palaemonetes Paludosus. The creek is maybe 5 feet across at its widest, about 4 inches deep at its deepest, and I believe it may be spring fed, due to it having consistent current, and having very cold and clear water. The creek meets the brackish estuary about 200 yards downstream from where the shrimp were collected. According to the article, Potimirim sp. are amphidromous, and require brackish water to reproduce. However, I haven't been able to identify what these are for sure, so I made sure to take multiple photos of what I caught today. I caught 3 females, probably around an inch long, appearing gravid with eggs. I photographed them in a photo tank in the field immediately after being caught. I will attach images of the shrimp I caught today, with them displaying deep colors and then the colors appearing very different a couple of hours later upon being removed from the bucket and being placed in an aquarium.

The first image is the first shrimp I caught from above, the second image shows that same shrimp from the side, the third is the only other good field photo I got of the other shrimp from the trip, the next two images show the creek and my legs spanning the creek, and the last two show the shrimp in the aquarium, the first showing the shrimp when first placed in the tank to acclimate, and the last one shows the shrimp 20 minutes later

This shows these shrimp's ability to change color, being reddish brown when first collected, to a brilliant blue (the photo doesn't do it justice, it looked like a high end blue shrimp except it had the light colored stripe down the back) back to an almost purple-ish brown.

Thank you for reading and I hope you may be able to help identify these.









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