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Algae problem-still


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Stag horn algae...if I want to pull my plants, trim extensively and dip...what is my solution rate of excel or hydrogen peroxide to water and the dip timing for each plant. I have a serious issue and want to try to rectify it once and for all - or at least give myself a chance of keeping up with it.

It's gotten where I may just pull everything and replant

Please help

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Straight 3% hydrogen peroxide dip the plant for a few seconds remove rinse off remove any leaves the are badly infected, the algae should turn a pink/orange color once it's dead . Cut back your lighting to 6 hours a day, increase the flow in your tank meaning no dead spots.

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50g heavily planted peaceful community fish tank. T5ho lighting on for 1about 12 hours - no CO2. Fert with Seachem flourish and excel. Heavy bio load. Nitrates have inched up on me (20 ppm) but other than that parameters are good. May have had a spike on vacation (when this mess started). Getting tired of it. The algae is pearling but nothing else.

All had been great.

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12hrs of light would cause it - I got a massive blue-green algae attack and had to do a 3 day black-out before I got a timer for each tank. I know it's bacteria not algae but it still behaves like algae. Think I was averaging 12 hrs light a day at that point too - now I just do 2x4 hr light sessions and altho I do still get a bit of green spot algae occasionally I can live with that and just scrape it off with each water change.

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Well I'll most likely have a spike in parameters - but that's tuff sheetz! Removed all plants - hydro peroxide dip - soak in good water - full gravel vac (I know, I know) while everything was out. Ended up nuking probably 50% or more of plants because of this crap. But if I can get through this next couple of weeks all should be good. And yes, timer has been turned back to 7 hours. Gave a fert dose to give it a jump. Fish are in shock anyway... What's a little more. Found a shrimp though - almost vac him up...and a worm! No idea how he made it in? Any ideas, Han?

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Here is a plant that had bba and was treated with hydrogen peroxide the algae is dead when turns white/pink color, they wont touch it when it's alive but once it's dead shrimp and snail's will eat it.





Here is some green fuzzy algae on a plant that had bba as well treated with hydrogen peroxide getting cleaned off.


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Yes many ways to treat certain but all require some patience :)


worm? maybe a detritus worm most likely and harmless your fish would eat it

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