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Cycle without filter?

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It is possible and can be done using the Walstad method which basically uses heavily planted tank to use up the ammonia etc.


I haven't done it myself - I'm not brave enough - but I know someone who has and all his fish are well and thriving

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i have had many tanks where i dont use filters or movement for that matter after the tank is established. 


as for a filter to cycle the tank yes it happens and its not needed. a filter and or filter media just speeds up the bacterial growth. i dont use ammonia to cycle a tank even just adding a pinch of fish food will cycle a tank. as that food breaks down it turns to ammo, then nitrite, then nitrate. it will take a long time for it to build enough to hold fish and that is kinda how adding a fish at a time a period of time say a fish once a week can work. it allows the bacteria to break down on fishes wast. once it can do that then add another and so on.

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i have had many tanks where i dont use filters or movement for that matter after the tank is established. 


as for a filter to cycle the tank yes it happens and its not needed. a filter and or filter media just speeds up the bacterial growth. i dont use ammonia to cycle a tank even just adding a pinch of fish food will cycle a tank. as that food breaks down it turns to ammo, then nitrite, then nitrate. it will take a long time for it to build enough to hold fish and that is kinda how adding a fish at a time a period of time say a fish once a week can work. it allows the bacteria to break down on fishes wast. once it can do that then add another and so on.

The problem with using fish-food to cycle is that you have no control over how much ammonia is released and can end up stalling the cycle if the nitrites get too high (over 16.4 ppm) and start killing off the bacteria you are trying to grow.

Cycling with fish reduces their lifespan and general health so it's not something I would ever recommend.

Best way for me is with liquid ammonia at a known level - takes only a few weeks - even less if you can kickstart the process with either bottled bacteria or mature gravel/filter media.

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yes but that is where testing comes in and you should be testing your tank daily any way while cycling. i have never had a prob with cycling this way and done it a lot of times. never in my life have i used ammonia and i never will. cant stand it and with the dogs and cat im not going to make them smell it. having 2 shepherd mixes i have to be careful what i use in the house to clean with due to smell. ammonia is a nope

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