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i need help nitrate

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so I have the API fresh water test kit all my other parameters are testing fine, so I know about the need to shake shake shake the nitrate but no matter how much water I have been removing ( 10% weekly 25% once a month) I'm at readiing between 20ppm and 40 ppm and I just did a 50% on Thursday because I treated my tank with dewormer, I have tested my tap water at it test 0 so I have no idea whats going on. I have about 20 blue dream neos and I feed them a piece of stick food like once a week I feed them a tiny bit of bacter every 3-4 days so its not over feeding well atleast I think not I remove any uneaten stick food after an hour so if anyone have any ideas how to fix this its be great also name and where to get  a different nitrate test would be great. oh I'm running a sponge and a HOB filter I have carbon and purigen in my HOB filter

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I don't know much about the tests or what could be giving such a high reading, what plants do you have in the tank? I do know that floating plants can help with nitrate though.


Is the tank cycled?

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Some people have reported that Bacter AE was causing nitrates to go up quickly. Once a tank is established the amount and frequency of Bacter AE can be reduced to once a week.


I wouldn't worry to much about high nitrates its not that big of a deal in fresh water, salt water is a different story and you should keep them as close to zero as you can.


I know some people breeding CRS/CBS in 60 to 80 ppm nitrate doesn't seem to affect the shrimps breeding or growth.


If you want to get nitrates down I suggest  bi weekly 10% W/C until you get it where you want it, adding more plants will help also.


I'm personally am switching nitrate test kit from API to Sera, I honestly don't trust the API kit.

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my tank is indeed cycled I have had my tank running since jan, my tanks is a 10gal, I have some Anubias Petite (2 with 20+ leaves to they take up a pretty good space, some Vallisneria 2 larger groups a couple of mic plants I have from when I got my shrimp lol. cholla wood x2 one covered in flame moss and one with xmas moss, floating I have some frogbit around 10 floaters and hornwort. I do plan on getting some more floaters maybe some of the larger duckweed or something , so I will try reducing the bacter to once a week. 

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I dose Bacter AE smidgen spoonful every other day in 10g and don't have problems with Nitrate. I assume you are following the directions regarding not just shaking, but waiting the appropriate times as well. From all your info, I would guess your test kit is bad. If you have some KNO3 you can calibrate your test kit and see if it is still accurate.


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