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Cycling a new tank

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Hey guys,

It's been a long time since I've cycled a tank proper and it was for fish (which are probably a thousand times more resilient than shrimp) so I'm not sure what to expect from my tank. The current water parameters are as follows:

Ammonia: 0.25ppm

Nitrite: 0


pH: 6.4

Currently housing 2 tetras and a bristlenose starlight pleco.

My tank has begun to smell, is this normal? And how long would it take for the bacteria to kick in?

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Are you adding any bacteria supplement like Seachem Stability or Tetra SafeStart?

Nope not that I know of. I did however add a layer of Borneo wild balance before adding the substrate if that counts?

Are you adding any bacteria supplement like Seachem Stability or Tetra SafeStart?

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Hmm okay. Any idea how much water in supposed to change and how often?

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I'd do about 10-15% depending on how high your ammonia is. Just keep an eye on your ammonia levels and that should tell you when you should do a water change. Too much water changes will stress out the fish, but so is high levels of ammonia. This is why I stopped doing fish cycling :(

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I'd do about 10-15% depending on how high your ammonia is. Just keep an eye on your ammonia levels and that should tell you when you should do a water change. Too much water changes will stress out the fish, but so is high levels of ammonia. This is why I stopped doing fish cycling :(

Yeah, I decided to remove my fish. They did their job of introducing ammonia to my water column
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Yeah for that I'll be getting white cloud mountain minnows for that. My neons have suffered enough imo

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How about a bottle of this instead? http://www.amazon.com/DrTims-Aquatics-Ammonium-chloride-bottle/dp/B006MP4QG6/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1449437370&sr=8-1&keywords=dr+tims+ammonia

More precise and much less cruel :)

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That is great but what sucks is they got cheap and watered it down like crazy.


It says 1 drop per gallon is 2 ppm but my bottle was more like 5 drops per gallon is 2 ppm.

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That is great but what sucks is they got cheap and watered it down like crazy.

It says 1 drop per gallon is 2 ppm but my bottle was more like 5 drops per gallon is 2 ppm.

I got myself some seeded material from my friends filter and some bacterial supplements too! I'll be sure to update y'all on the tank status soon! Thanks [emoji3]

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6.4 PH is quiet low for neos/tiger (assuming since you are using substrate). might want to up that a bit when you're near the end of your cycle!

Okay should I do it artificially or with chemicals? Cos I think the only reason its low is because I'm running pressurised CO2. My tap water is relatively hard at 7.2-7.4

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Okay should I do it artificially or with chemicals? Cos I think the only reason its low is because I'm running pressurised CO2. My tap water is relatively hard at 7.2-7.4

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Shrimps are not too fond of co2.. I try to never mess with p.h as it can get quiet whacky. My only suggestion is to stop using co2 if you want to continue with shrimps.

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Shrimps are not too fond of co2.. I try to never mess with p.h as it can get quiet whacky. My only suggestion is to stop using co2 if you want to continue with shrimps.

Alright. I do kinda think that shrimps are more particular of the pH swing than the co2 but I'll take note.

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