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Stocking my shrimp rack


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Ok so I've been doing a lot of reading on different shrimp. What I'm having trouble understanding is what shrimp that I can keep together. I know that neos if kept together will revert back to a wild type so I plan to keep my reds, yellows and blues separate. What I understand about Caridina shrimp is that I can keep them together and they will breed making different Caridina shrimp. I would like to keep blue bolts but I read that you can keep pandas and they breed and can make different types of shrimps including blue bolts. I would like to have different types of shrimp in one tank if they can breed with each other and not have to worry about them turning into a wild type. Please help me by clarifying how this works I'm pretty confused when it comes to Caridina shrimp.

Thanks in advance

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There is alot of info to know before getting into Caridinas, I notice your profile says you are "new to this , none yet" in regards to the shrimp you have. You should start out with the Neocaridinas, because they are easier for beginners. Certain Caridinas mixing with others will yield alot of different results and depending on their genetics , so its not that easy to say that A crossed with B always equals C.


You can keep a taiwan bee tank with all kinds, blue bolt, panda, red wine etc and they will have a bunch of babies that are not wild type.

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Thanks for the reply. I've done a ton of reading on keeping Caridina and have all the stuff to keep them. I'm pretty confident that I can keep them successfully. I'm just a little confused as far as breeding them. Like with tibees, titaibees, crystals. I guess I was just looking for a simple algorithm for getting what I want, but like you said it's not A plus B you always get C.

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Ok so I've been doing a lot of reading on different shrimp. What I'm having trouble understanding is what shrimp that I can keep together. I know that neos if kept together will revert back to a wild type so I plan to keep my reds, yellows and blues separate. What I understand about Caridina shrimp is that I can keep them together and they will breed making different Caridina shrimp. I would like to keep blue bolts but I read that you can keep pandas and they breed and can make different types of shrimps including blue bolts. I would like to have different types of shrimp in one tank if they can breed with each other and not have to worry about them turning into a wild type. Please help me by clarifying how this works I'm pretty confused when it comes to Caridina shrimp.

Thanks in advance

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This will help  http://www.theshrimpfarm.com/articles/dwarf-shrimp-compatibility-chart.php

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